Friday, September 30, 2011

Cristo-fying Urbanity

According to Nicole Phelps, the Balenciaga show was a bit of a "bench brouhaha" with multiple seats coLLapsing, resulting in a standing room only venue.  After reading the review the brouhaha was quickly erased by the iridescent sculpted eerie simplicity. Nicolas Ghesquière can do NO wrong.
I dare you to give me an example when Ghesquière screwed up...
Can't think of one, can you?

Welkom to the Netherlands

Lara Stone is easily one of my FAVORITE models and this shoot for T in her hometown of the Netherlands is SpecTacuLar! 

I'm NOT usually a fan of busty, but Lara works it PERFECTLY.
I would rather not be considered of the busty stature, but if I looked like Lara then I would possibly oblige. 

But I need to be 5"7 or taller...
I'm 5"3.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Buttoned to the Top

I would NEVER call myself conservative, but there's something about a blouse buttoned to the top that is marvelously chic. I could instantly tell from Carven's collection that there would be an eXceptional amount of easy basics.  The simplistic silhouettes and the wedged brogues gave an everyday VIBE that I wish to hang in my closet.

Just call me a LIBERAL with an indulgent operandi and a touch of a traditionalist collar.

Photo du Jour

Besides being DiVerse and a eXceptionaLLy deXterous model, I like Karlie Kloss because she's from St. Louis. I'm NOT actually from STL, but it sort of feels like a home base since I grew up at a summer camp 3 hours away.  
My BFF, who happens to be from the Lou is a HUGE Karlie Kloss fan and is always babbling about Karlie's double life (not that she knows her or anything). From reading this article in Life, I'm certain Karlie Kloss has dual personalities.

I guess that's what makes a good model.
That and LEGS that stretch miles.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Paris, Je T'Aime

My Desired Quantum of Fashion Week is when I get to sit back in the comfort of my own apartment and click through and pass judgement on the Paris Collections.
Dries Van Notan was the FIRST to catch my eye.
I imagined myself in a Dries Floral Silhouette sipping red wine sangria on my imaginary yacht
Sounds mYsTicaL, NO?
Hopefully, this will change and my Cherished remnant will be sitting back in the FRONT row.

The Collagist

La Shana Tova!
I Wish you a VERY Jewish Happy New Year
New Job in the New Year?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

As Always, Raf Takes the Gold

I can't begin to tell you HOW MUCH I respect Raf Simons and his Jil Sander virtuosity
He tailors
He sculpts
He illustrates

The classic crispness of his silhouettes makes me feverish and intoxicated.
It's like a TALE from the 1800's only NO Chlorea or Whooping Cough.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

I Take it Back

While taking in a few of my favorite blogs I came across Garance Dore's photographs from the Prada show. The facets of the entire collection were amusing and rich and I'm sorry I didn't see it in the first place

All photos taken by Garance Dore
I hope, but highly doubt the musical talents of Tracy Chapman's Fast Car was playing in the background.
It would've been a nice PLAY on words considering the silhouette's motifs 
Like I said, Doubt it.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

My Stolen Mantra

Miuccia Prada quoted, "I don't believe in people who don't like clothes." I must admit I stole that from her and made it MY MANTRA. I always knew Miuccia and I would be good friends
While viewing the Prada Spring 2012 show, I realized Prada ALWAYS brings in elements of the 1950's. Unfortunately, there were some pieces that I was like "eh" and others I was like"meh" and a bunch more "eh" all resulting in a mediocre collection.  Sorry Miuccia, it just didn't faLL at the TOP this season. Although, I MUST say every year I wait patiently for my Miu Miu.

Seriously though, how can you resist this campaign? And not to mention Hailee Steinfeld. Such a BOLD and Genius choice.  

Miuccia's Prada array may have not done wonders for me, but I very much respect her work.

Hopefully she'll WOW me in Paris!
One way or another, I'll still be a Miuccia Prada fan.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

One More From My Hood

Before Milan and Paris BURST on the scene I needed to sQueeZe in one more from MY paramount domain...

I DON'T usually say I NEED an ENTIRE collection (for the most part) but Band of Outsiders brought in basics, essentials & statement pieces.  It was a fuLL on wardrobe.  Designer, Scott Sternberg, at first glance, reminds me of a video gamer, but looks do they deceive

According to T Magazine he was a childhood troll collector.
This makes a lot of sense to me.

The Coveted Canary

Another Episode brought to you by yours truly. MY Review on Jeremy Laing for Dossier Journal.

Photos courtesy of moi.