Monday, April 9, 2012

No Longer is "The World at Her Feet"

Okay, I admit, I'm jealous of Jane Aldridge's shoe collection, but after reading this re-report from NY Mag I'm mildly disgusted by the popular blogger. Texas Monthly journalist, Jason Sheeler wrote "The World at Her Feet", a mini exposé on the blogger's daily grind. Aldridge claims that the quotes Sheeler attribute were "blatantly made up".  BS. Riddle me this: Why would a publication that thoroughly fact checks their copy make up such ridiculous quotes?  Her snobbish approach was not at all relatable. Exhibit A: Jane smooths her half-tucked, sheer white blouse. I tell her I think it’s a cool shirt. “Really? I think it’s, like, Splen-did,” she says with a grimace, sounding out the mall brand with the horror of someone being forced to say “ointment.” She nicked the shirt from her sister’s closet; Carol, who is seventeen, is in her first year of boarding school in Wales. “I’m getting my hair dyed in a bit and, you know, what if it messes up my shirt?” Splendid may not be the most fashion forward brand, but the tops start at $60. Her blog is meant to be aspirational to her readers but, she comes off as an embarrassment to bloggers and the fashion world.  

Sheeler recalls a moment in Aldridge's home "Jane sprawls on the floor in pale jeans, underneath a framed black and white photograph of Grey Gardens’ Little Edie." 
The story of Grey Gardens seems like an accurate description of what Jane and her mother Judy could turn into. 

A word of advice:
Be careful that you don't turn into the Bouvier Beales...
They may have been quite remarkable...
but I'm sorry to say Jane Aldridge will never live up to that. 

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