Tuesday, September 20, 2011

London's Best

I've NEVER been FuLLy soLd on London Fashion Week but these Top 3 FrontRunners (in my book) with the addition of Mr. Christopher Kane, I was pleasantly surprised and delightfully satisfied.

Christopher Bailey isn't one to usually delve in pRinTs, but he juXtaposed patterns to a T. I'm dying (literally) for the outerwear and shoes, mostly the outerwear, but the shoes would be a nice addition.

Remember how I mentioned fLoraLs have taken FULL reign on the Spring 2012 collections?  You may as well call Mary Katrantzou array of siLhoueTTes an ArBoReTuM. They're magnificent and I have no doubt that Anna Dello Russo and me (hopefully) will be purchasing these bLosSomed beauties.

I remember the first time I came across a Peter Pilotto dress.  Meredith Melling Burke of Vogue US was wearing a picTuresQue silhouette by Mr. Pilotto and I quickly stopped her to find out where I would be making my neXt purchase. These three outfits reminded me of a modern day Alice in Wonderland and I'm going to fall down Pilotto's rabbit hole.

There's still one more day of London Shows, but I felt confident that these are beTTeR than the rest.

Maybe someone will prove me wrong tomorrow.
Doubt it.

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