Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Canadian Flare

I've never looked through an entire issue of Canada's Flare Magazine. But I saw this shoot and felt an endearment towards this editorial.
I've been to Montreal a couple of times, but was never all that impressed with the Canadian style.  
I've come to realize Toronto's where it's at in terms of the Fashionable French
Plus there are some eXceptional Toronton's that are especially innovative and bring a lot to America, Home of the Beautiful, Home of the brave.
(This is the most American I think I've ever sounded in my entire life). 
Don't take it to seriously.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Photo du Jour

I didn't know MK Olsen was in Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.
The Johnny Depp version no doubt.
Would you say MK is a Veruca Salt or Violet Beauregarde?

Reverent posted a teaser of Carine Roitfeld's upcoming presumptuous coffee table book: Irreverent...

  • 250 tear sheets and covers from Vogue and other Magazines
  • Personal Photographs
  • Edited by Olivier Zahm
Carine Roitfeld is Raunchy, Blunt, ludicrous & Invigorating.
I will obviously be at Barnes & Noble Come Oct. 18th
Being Irreverent doesn't have to be a bad thing.
Theres a bit of Irreverence in all of us.
Especially ME.

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Collagist

 A Cykic Original
This weekend was quite productive in terms of my collaging. 
I'll call this one The Helmet Newton Telephone Booth.
It's a hodge podge of all things that don't make sense.
Like Hurricane Irene and the Earthquake.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Photo du Jour

This is how I felt today:
On Edge.
Irene made me hibernate and bored out of my mind.
Tomorrow will be a beTTer day...
And even beTTer if I get a job offer.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Irene is a Ugly Name

Stay away from the water this weekend. 
Hurricane Irene is taken' over...
and I'm pissed.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

This is a True Role Model

Anna Wintour was interviewed by Forbes for being the 69th most POWERful women on their list. I've always been a true admirer of Wintour, but this clip says it aLL.  You can say she's intimidating, you can say she's a bitch, but ultimately, she knows what she wants and is a hard worker at that.  
She is an aLL star and exactly what a Editor in Chief should be...
Until I come along of course.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Oy, this is a Toughie

I ReaLLy want to like this.

Brittany is kiLLin' it as always.
Sue is bustin' out some spectacular androgyny.
Quinn's hair is making me jealous.
And Rachel's voice I think is getting worse and worse....Why would you sound so nasal in a Balmain mini?
I guess Fashion is trying their best to appeal to the masses
Just leave it the way it is.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Only Reason to Attend FNO

This is some of the best news I've heard ALL day....

"Her Pigness, a press release announces today, will make a "fabulous appearance" at the store's Ace Hotel location on the night of September 8 (the day before my Birthday) to launch the Muppets x Opening Ceremony collection and pose for photos, all in celebration of the November 23 release of her film The Muppets! in which she plays a French Vogue Editor." -NY Magazine

She was and always will be my favorite muppet and childhood obeSseSsion.

I like to think we have a lot in common, besides my snout is from Jewish genetics.


En Pointe

I'm a sucker for anything baLLet oriented and this Bliss Lau Fall 2011 Campaign shot is tOp nOtch.
The pointe shoes make this image truly MajesTic.
Maybe Lau can foLLow in the fOOtsteps of Stella McCartney and take it to Lincoln Center.
And then I'll write the review.

Monday, August 22, 2011

A Family Affair

There's a first time for everything.... 
Sir Paul & Stella McCartney can now add baLLet composer and designer into their repertoire and I will be there front row and center.

As long as someone buys me tickets for my Birthday.

Eh, I'll see it one way or another. 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Photo du Jour

It's a brunching kind of day!
And Brigette Bardot makes the messy bun look revolutionary on a chillaxed Sunday.
Did you ever notice the most quintessential luminaries always look phenomenal when shot by the candid paparazzi?
Makes me sick, and envious all at the same time.

Friday, August 19, 2011


I'm LOOking for an apartment
and a job
and a apartment
mostly a job

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I'm BaaacccccKKK

Now that I've landed in my favorite city I'll need a new wardrobe to go along with it.
Perfect ALL Celine, now I'm set.
Except I just realized this is Resort 2012.

I Knew I Forgot to Do Something Today

I forgot to post today so here's a little last minute scOOp.
I'm heading back to the city tomorrow and all these photos sum up my anXiety
I'll be okay, just need a job.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

DisHeartened Incandescent Radiation

 Vogue August 2011
The pigments juxtaposed with Raquel Zimmerman's disturbed facade has such a WhiMSicAL gratification that it makes me want to nestle into these archetypes.
I'll settle for Jil Sander and Givenchy, but once Fall rolls around My New York backdrop will be Black and White.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Photo du Jour

I'm going to Austin today, so this seemed appropriate.
Plus, I'd kill for that coat.
I guess I'm now on a VintaGe Hunt.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Uniquely Ludicrous

When I watch an abundance of E! News, I know I have tOO much time on my hands. But they very legit-ally brought up a more "newsy" story that I felt was worth posting. 
 "Cadeaux" for Paris Vogue
 I don't know why this is an issue 8 months after Paris Vogue came out portraying the 10-year-old, beautiful, French model Thylane Blondeau in couture.  Displaying her in "Cadeaux" in collaboration with Carine Roitfeld (my fave) and Tom Ford, some condemn it has the sexualization of young girls.  I personally thought the spread was uniQuely ludicrous and flawless in terms of iNNovation.  If it was pedophilia it wouldn't be in Vogue, Duh.

We, the fashion industry, don't make bad decisions.  Those who chastise our creativity wish they had the idea first.  
Leave it to the blasé mainstream to judge us.

It least she doesn't look like the girls on "Toddler in Tiaras"
 I throw up in my mouth a little every time I look at this.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Collagist

I've decided to add a neW element to Cykic.  
The coLLagist will consist of my work as well as others who rock my world. 

Here's a preliminary to insPire your creative juices.

What do you think?
It relaxes me, so I guess I don't really care what you think.
But I'll happily take constructive criticism.

Photo du Jour

There's something so pristine about this photograph.
I wish I could call myself the photographer.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What is your Damage, Heather?

See the resemblance?
Heathers is my one of my all time favorite films. And this spread happens to interpret the movie in full on fashion.

Although the expressions on the models faces are far too euphoric
I prefer the doody face on the Heathers and Veronica.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Werbowy Overboard

Even though this came out in May 2011, it's never too late to show off a uTopiAn spread.
The simplicity is culminating
And you know it's perfection when you want to leap into the picture.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hiatus No More

After a longggg hiatus, I'm back.

I've been hooked on this Advertorial all summer, so it's about time I post it
By the way...
I graduated.
I got an Associates in Fashion Design.
A Bachelors in writing
and now I need a job.